February 20, 2019


  • For labs going forward, if you find a particular block produces a lot of output, feel free to comment it out and add a note like: “Omitted to save space in output”
    • Really happy to see so many of you starting to use ggplot2!
  • Github has a great feature to allow you to render HTML pages from a Github repo. Go to https://htmlpreview.github.io and paste in the URL to the HTML file in your repo and it (usually) renders as a webpage.
  • Random numbers and seeds: https://data606.net/post/2019-02-17-random_numbers_and_seeds/
  • Few notes about colors in plots (my general advice, not rules per se).


Coin Tosses Revisited

coins <- sample(c(-1,1), 100, replace=TRUE)
plot(1:length(coins), cumsum(coins), type='l')

## [1] -12

Many Random Samples

samples <- rep(NA, 1000)
for(i in seq_along(samples)) {
    coins <- sample(c(-1,1), 100, replace=TRUE)
    samples[i] <- cumsum(coins)[length(coins)]
## [1]  -8   8  -2 -10  -8   6

Histogram of Many Random Samples


Properties of Distribution

(m.sam <- mean(samples))
## [1] 0.162
(s.sam <- sd(samples))
## [1] 9.883088

Properties of Distribution (cont.)

within1sd <- samples[samples >= m.sam - s.sam & samples <= m.sam + s.sam]
length(within1sd) / length(samples)
## [1] 0.677
within2sd <- samples[samples >= m.sam - 2 * s.sam & samples <= m.sam + 2* s.sam]
length(within2sd) / length(samples)
## [1] 0.951
within3sd <- samples[samples >= m.sam - 3 * s.sam & samples <= m.sam + 3 * s.sam]
length(within3sd) / length(samples)
## [1] 0.999

Standard Normal Distribution

\[ f\left( x|\mu ,\sigma \right) =\frac { 1 }{ \sigma \sqrt { 2\pi } } { e }^{ -\frac { { \left( x-\mu \right) }^{ 2 } }{ { 2\sigma }^{ 2 } } } \]

x <- seq(-4,4,length=200); y <- dnorm(x,mean=0, sd=1)
plot(x, y, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlim = c(-3.5,3.5), ylab='', xlab='z-score', yaxt='n')

Standard Normal Distribution

Standard Normal Distribution

Standard Normal Distribution

What’s the likelihood of ending with less than 15?

pnorm(15, mean=mean(samples), sd=sd(samples))
## [1] 0.9333678

What’s the likelihood of ending with more than 15?

1 - pnorm(15, mean=mean(samples), sd=sd(samples))
## [1] 0.06663219

Comparing Scores on Different Scales

SAT scores are distributed nearly normally with mean 1500 and standard deviation 300. ACT scores are distributed nearly normally with mean 21 and standard deviation 5. A college admissions officer wants to determine which of the two applicants scored better on their standardized test with respect to the other test takers: Pam, who earned an 1800 on her SAT, or Jim, who scored a 24 on his ACT?


  • Z-scores are often called standard scores:

\[ Z = \frac{observation - mean}{SD} \]

  • Z-Scores have a mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1.

Converting Pam and Jim’s scores to z-scores:

\[ Z_{Pam} = \frac{1800 - 1500}{300} = 1 \]

\[ Z_{Jim} = \frac{24-21}{5} = 0.6 \]

Standard Normal Parameters

SAT Variability

SAT scores are distributed nearly normally with mean 1500 and standard deviation 300.

  • ∼68% of students score between 1200 and 1800 on the SAT.
  • ∼95% of students score between 900 and 2100 on the SAT.
  • ∼99.7% of students score between 600 and 2400 on the SAT.

Evaluating Normal Approximation

To use the 68-95-99 rule, we must verify the normality assumption. We will want to do this also later when we talk about various (parametric) modeling. Consider a sample of 100 male heights (in inches).

Evaluating Normal Approximation

Histogram looks normal, but we can overlay a standard normal curve to help evaluation.

Normal Q-Q Plot

  • Data are plotted on the y-axis of a normal probability plot, and theoretical quantiles (following a normal distribution) on the x-axis.
  • If there is a linear relationship in the plot, then the data follow a nearly normal distribution.
  • Constructing a normal probability plot requires calculating percentiles and corresponding z-scores for each observation, which is tedious. Therefore we generally rely on software when making these plots.


Simulated Normal Q-Q Plots
